Monday 15 November 2010

Day 15 of Movember

I know... For the past 10 days my MOsista duties have been neglected. My sincere apologies but -you will see- I've been busy with Life and Awesomeness.
I had been writing my posts from my computer at school during breaks but we've been told to limit the use to educational purposes only. Still not sure if my blogging is educational so I decided not to risk it and leave this for my laptop at home.
But then , of course, Life interfered by taking me away from the computer or by sending all sorts of welcome and, at times, totally unwelcome distractions while at it. Truth is, I lose focus easily but I'm working on it and I intend to get better at concentrating on the task at hand.
Anyway, I also mentioned Awesomeness as an excuse earlier on and I wasn't exaggerating one bit: my life is full of wonder and my name should probably be changed to Alice. You can blame social media for that ( I guess you can call it my 'White Rabbit'): ever since I joined Twitter one-and-a-half years ago I've been chasing that white rabbit through incredible worlds new to me and I have met fascinating people who are helping me embrace and enjoy this random, chaotic existence of mine.
Like Alice, I've had my core values and principles disputed by a few, tested by some, praised by others and thankfully reinforced by many. I've been at mad-hatters tea-parties but managed to avoid serious burning (and flying saucers) Met Red and White Queens and Cheshire cats. Now I wonder if my trial is approaching. Not that I'm worried to lose my head... that may have happened awhile ago. 
Two wonderful universes appeared before me behind those misterious doors I dared entering: that of the global fight against cancer is one of them. The Drive, Joy and Hope embodied in each and every one of the survivors, co-survivors and advocates I've met in the last year fill my heart with awe and this little Alice wants to grow up to be like them. Wouldn't you?
I mentioned 3 roles in the world of cancer: with 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women who will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime... which one will you play? Very likely, at least one of them so wouldn't it be better if you chose advocating and helped reducing the chances to become one of the other two?
Please join the fight. Start today by supporting the MOvember efforts. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

Sandy said... truly is a wonderful world! Amazing how close you become to those we converse with on twitter.