Tuesday 2 November 2010

Day 2 of MOvember

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain...rain. Then again, this is Ireland and spirits remain high in spite of the low-pressure front's efforts to rain on my parade.
On day 2 of MOvember I have to report that I'm a little bit wiser than yesterday... yet a lot more ignorant than I suspected (around the same time?) and ...guess what!!??: SO ARE YOU!!
Anyways, I thought I would share some random facts on Prostate Cancer here in Ireland:

Irish Cancer Society consumer research has shown that only 20% of Irish men know that they have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer during their lifetime and only 26% go to their GP for regular check-ups. Research also tells us that an Irish mans life expectancy is almost five years lower than that of an Irish woman

The Irish Cancer Society revealed some 2,758 new cases were confirmed in 2009, a rise of 85% over a decade.

Frequent urination, inability to urinate or a burning sensation when urinating are the symptoms which indicate it is time to seek medical help. These symptoms are due to an enlarged prostate gland but are coincidentally associated with prostate cancer only if the tumour is large. Most cancers of the prostate are initially too small to cause any symptoms.

For more information visit MOvember or Action Prostate Cancer 

Also, I'm happy to inform that  the first annual prostate cancer seminar will be held at the O’Callaghan Alexander Hotel, Dublin 2 on Saturday, November 6th, 2010 from 9.00am. Register here

Finally, please don't forget to visit my MOspace and leave a kind message and/or a donation, however small.
Thank you :)

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