Saturday 14 November 2009

Day 14 of Movember... a cold day and a warm heart

I woke up this morning (or rather this afternoon, since I was up until 5am) to this wonderful article on Maya Angelou latest book. What an amazing way to start my day.

I've always been a great admirer of Dr. Angelou, although I must confessed I've only read her poetry, up until now (fact that should, and indeed will, be corrected some time soon). 
The day we got news on Twitter of her being very ill and close to death, I got very upset. Extraordinary people like her are a rare breed and their passing always means a great loss for Humanity. Fortunately, the rumors were not that close to the truth and Dr. Angelou intends to stay with us for a while longer.

This is  the complete poem by James Weldon Johnson, a verse of which she recites during the interview. Enjoy

The glory of the day was in her face,
The beauty of the night was in her eyes.
And over all her loveliness, the grace
Of Morning blushing in the early skies.

And in her voice, the calling of the dove;
Like music of a sweet, melodious part.
And in her smile, the breaking light of love;
And all the gentle virtues in her heart.

And now the glorious day, the beauteous night,
The birds that signal to their mates at dawn,
To my dull ears, to my tear-blinded sight
Are one with all the dead, since she is gone.


Debbie said...

Very touching poem! I must read more of Dr Angelou also, need to make that correction in my life:)
Thanks for sharing Chari!

Annemieke said...

Thank you Chari for sharing this with us. very moving poem!

Jody said...

A lovely poem for a Movember day. Perfect.

Fortunately I missed all the news about her imminent departure...glad for that and glad to have her w/us!

Anonymous said...

I adore Maya Angelou's writings - have read all her books and when you hear her poetry read in that wonderful voice she has it is spine tingling.Thanks for posting.